Halloween has become a good excuse to get dressed up, go to parties and, for the youngest, go around doing trick or treat, but how is this day traditionally celebrated in Spain?
This festivity lasts for 3 days and is better known in Spain as Día de todos los Santos on November 1st and Día de los Difuntos on November 2nd. It commemorates all the Saints and those who passed away and the most common tradition is to bring flowers to our beloveds’ graves, but each part of Spain has its own tradition!
Halloween in Barcelona and Catalonia
If you visit this region of Spain, you cannot miss the ancient tradition of the Castanyada held on October 31st. Everywhere in the city you will find roasted castanyes (chestnuts) ready to buy and eat on the go!
In our school in Barcelona we celebrate this tradition as well by cooking chestnuts for you in our courtyard!
If you are in Catalonia, you should not miss the chance to go to Sant Feliu Sasserra, a small town that hosts a fascinating two-day Witch festival. The streets will be full of street artists, dancers and music!
Halloween in Galicia
Galician people love Halloween! The night of October 31st is known as the Noite dos Calacús (Night of the Pumpkins). You will be involved in many different activities such as pumpkin carving or traditional rituals.
Do not forget to taste the queimada, a famous alcoholic drink. Traditionally, it is made with pumpkin and believed to have some medical properties if drunk after saying some magic spell!
Halloween in Cadiz
In Cadiz, you will experience the Fiesta de Tosantos with dressed-up rabbits, dolls made of fruit, and suckling pigs at the market.
Halloween in San Sebastian
If you visit San Sebastian during this period of the year, you will witness the famous Horror and Fantasy Film Festival. You will have plenty of choice of theater plays, live music and exhibitions.
Come to celebrate Halloween with us!